Welcome to Sushma Reddy's Lab
Our research covers a broad range of topics in evolutionary biology including phylogenetics, biogeography, molecular evolution, and conservation.
We focus on the evolution and diversity of birds using DNA, morphology, and geography.
Sushma Reddy is faculty at the University of Minnesota in the department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology and the curator of birds at the Bell Museum of Natural History.
We focus on the evolution and diversity of birds using DNA, morphology, and geography.
Sushma Reddy is faculty at the University of Minnesota in the department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology and the curator of birds at the Bell Museum of Natural History.
The Reddy Lab
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Bell Museum of Natural History Dept. of Fisheries, Wildlife, Conservation Biology Ecology, Evolution, Behavior graduate program Conservation Sciences graduate program Field Museum of Natural History [Research Associate] Highlights from 2022
ContactDr. Sushma Reddy
Breckenridge Chair of Ornithology Curator of Birds, Bell Museum of Natural History Associate Professor, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, Conservation Biology University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Contact form |

In Memoriam: Lynika Strozier
M.S. in Biology, M.Ed. in Science Education
We lost Lynika in June 2020. She was an integral part of our lives for several years. She was truly exceptional with her hardworking attitude and cheery spirit. Her grandmother raised her and taught her to never to give up. We are feeling this heartbreak personally and as a community.
Her inspiring and tragic story resonated across the world. Scholarships in Lynika's honor to support young, Black women are currently being set up at the Field Museum, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Loyola University Chicago. You can read more about her in The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Nature, The Scientist, The Today Show, and many more...
M.S. in Biology, M.Ed. in Science Education
We lost Lynika in June 2020. She was an integral part of our lives for several years. She was truly exceptional with her hardworking attitude and cheery spirit. Her grandmother raised her and taught her to never to give up. We are feeling this heartbreak personally and as a community.
Her inspiring and tragic story resonated across the world. Scholarships in Lynika's honor to support young, Black women are currently being set up at the Field Museum, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Loyola University Chicago. You can read more about her in The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Nature, The Scientist, The Today Show, and many more...